Benskin Bergen: ILA Newsletter Project: Effective Literacy Website #3

Benskin Bergen

ED 638 Fall 2021

Dr. M. Rivera

ILA Newsletter Project #3: Effective Literacy “Into the Book”


            Into the Book (Into the Book: Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies ( is a reading comprehension resource for elementary school students and teachers. It is focused on these eight research based strategies: prior knowledge, making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, summarizing, evaluating, and synthesizing. The central focus on the program Into the Book is mainly on reading. Evidently, knowing how to read would tremendously aid students across subject areas as reading is vital in all subject areas. Into the Book provides lessons that are based on the eight different reading skills. Mastering those eight reading skills will definitely make an impact on the development of student’s literacy skills.

            The site provides many useful resources for teachers and students to use. Each of the eight reading strategies comes in instructional sets. Each instructional set contain the following: 1. A clear explanation of the skill to practice. 2. A teacher’s online guide that includes the common core standards for each skill. 3. Lesson plans that can guide instruction of that skill. 4. Reading books and places to find such books. 4. Videos, posters, and songs are also included in each set. These instructional sets are beneficial to both teachers and students. When the teaching materials are all set, students and teachers are likely to finish the lesson successfully. There is a lot of motivation in these instructional sets that will make the learning meaningful, fun, and engaging.

            This website Into the Book is a great site that provides various instructional resources for classroom use. It abets students to practice reading and learn various reading skills. When a student is good at reading, learning in the other subject areas will be easier too. The reading skills learned in the sets provided in the program Into the Book could also be applied in other classes. Into the Book offers various ways for learners to become literate. Mastering the eight reading skills provided in the program will help students to have higher levels of accomplishments because reading is the groundwork of other accomplishments. 



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